Saturday, October 20, 2012

A new loving family!

We get a great privilege this weekend!! A brother and a sister from the Bethel in Puerto Rico came to our hall this weekend to give two talks and go out in service with us! They are amazing, the brother was helping me speak Spanish and with his help(and Jehovah's) I was slowly picking more things up. He was teaching me simple little tricks that I could use to pick it up faster and it actually helped!Oh and I even got a simple little presentation down and got to place 2 Spanish magazines with a lady that was very happy to hear that I was trying to learn Spanish. I also got my first return visit with a very nice man that speaks English and works on cars, so I had something to talk to him about!!

Then tonight we had meeting(since the brother had two talks to give, one tonight the other tomorrow.) Everyone has really opened up to me and one of the sisters got me a beautiful necklace, she said she had to get me something that was hand made on the Island and she defiantly picked something that was me! I am finding it harder being away from the brothers and sister, once we got home yesterday from the main Island I was very very happy to get back to my home and to my congregation!! They always are very happy to see you, considering that there are only 15 people in the hall(including me) it's like a small family. Everyone is very close and take care of each other. I guess it will be harder then I though to leave them! The sister from Bethel told me that this hall may be small but they have a great heart! She invited me to come see Bethel with her and her husband so I may take her up on that but I will wait till my mom gets here then she can meet all of my new family!! Before we left the hall tonight she gave me a huuge hug(which is not a normal, everyone just gives kisses) and told me I should stay here that everyone here loves me and I am there little one haha(still the baby of the hall.) Guess we will see how fast I learn Spanish?! Well I better sleep I need to try and get a comment in Spanish for meeting tomorrow. Good night! Miss all of you!

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