Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Mangroves tour :)

This is a salt mangrove- See all those things sticking outta the water? Those are the roots to the plant. That is how they get there nutrients and they stick out of the water so the plant can breath. If you were to lick one of the leave(and yes I did) they taste like salt! Hence the name.
-Salt leaves-
This next man grove is called a red mangrove. I am sure you can tell why it is called this as you can see the water under the plant. Its red!! There vines as you can also see grow into the water, since thats where they get there nutrient's. If you were to clean the water it would taste like salt.

They asked for a volunteer and guess who got volunteered!!!
It smelled really really bad!!
After that we got to go to the beach in the national park(where the man groves are.)
After we went to a light house that was made way back when(can't remember when), It also had all of the original wood and such.

The end :)




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