Monday, October 8, 2012

Out in service :D

Today was the first day of door to door and it was so awesome!! Although I had to learn the Culebra(I learned how to spell it!!) walk!! It's so so sloooow but I soon understood why. It's because it gets very very hot(102 but, felt like 100bazillion out) and when you walk slower you don't get as hot. Also they don't have a lot of territory :( We also aren't allowed to go to the doors so we have to stand either outside of the gate or the door and yell "HOLA" as loud as you can so that the householder can hear you. It does make service hard though because I'm not learning Spanish as quick as I would like but I am sure soon I will get it down. One of the Elders keeps telling me he is going to stop speaking in English so that I will learn faster, but he doesn't because it only frustrates both of us haha and his wife finds it very funny!! They are a very nice couple and both started regular pioneering so I have a feeling we are going to become BEST friends :D They already are making plans and other days for service and also just fun things to do with the hall!! Like this Saturday we have hall clean up and after were all going to the beach and sometime within the next few weeks were going to go to the main island (Puerto Rico) and go to the caves and the rain forest. The brothers say that it is a very long hike in there but once your there its very breathtaking :D I can't wait and am soooooo excited!! I love everyone here!! Well I better sleep have alot to do tomorrow. Night.


  1. Hey sam! This is lisa. It looks so beautiful there! What kind of response do they generally get from the people? I knew you would have a blast! Karen didnt study this week. Still moving:( I will keep in touch with her. Justin's back is getting better and better. Have Brandon Failes first talk taped for you. I will try and send it to you. Love you!

    1. Liiiiisaaaa :D Ummm the people are okay, the territory gets worked about every three weeks so they know who the witnesses are and some don't even come when we call, but thats okay we are still trying!! Awe i'm sad I missed his talk! If I would have known I would have called in from my grams phone or something. But thank you for taping it!!! Miss you guys!

  2. Nice pictures! Who is the lady in the bottom picture?

    1. My gram :) I about killed her out in service so we had to come home and put her to bed, poor grammy.

  3. That's my mom in the bottom pic and sounds like fun Sammy glad u are having a great time:)

  4. The elder and his wife sound like really cool folks. :) But that heat... ugh. I'm not sure I could put up with 102 in October.
